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Crinkly Onion

A member registered Aug 28, 2023

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This was a lot of fun! It could definitely have benefitted from some bosses, and I was wishing for a map as I explored, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized that the map would have streamlined it a bit too much, and the exploration without knowing exactly where you were going did make it a lot more entertaining.

This is one of my favorite horror games, if it can even be called that. 

Every so often I come back to this game to just relive it. Every single time I play it, for the entire game, my breathing is heavy, chills are shooting down my spine, and by the time someone starts knocking on the door, alarms are blaring in my brain, and a tear is in my eye. I never cry while playing video games, this game is the closest I've ever gotten.  I've never played a game that was simultaneously  as terrifying as it was comforting.